Ruby on Ales launched!

Posted by Juice10 Wed, 28 Jun 2006 10:36:00 GMT

Ruby on AlesRuby on is up and ready to be used!

Ruby on will allow you to add Ruby/Rails meetings, comment on them and subscribe to RSS feeds so you are completely up to date on the meetings in your area.

I haven’t completely finished it yet. I will add google-maps support and integrate it with The interface also needs to be tweaked and finished. More on this soon…

Posted in ruby on ales (beers) | no comments

Rails 'Show and Tell' Meeting

Posted by Juice10 Sat, 24 Jun 2006 14:25:00 GMT

Last Thursday Fingertips’ Rails ‘Show and Tell’ Meeting went down.

It was lots of fun and I met quite a few interesting people. Not all talks where as good as each other, but I very much enjoyed the “Why Django?” by Simon de Haan and the “Unicode in Rails” by Julian ‘Julik’ Tarkhanov presentation.

“Why Django?”

“Unicode in Rails”

More pictures

Fingertips’ wrap up


Posted in events, netherlands, rails | no comments

Ruby on Ales

Posted by Juice10 Thu, 15 Jun 2006 20:20:00 GMT

Ruby on Ales

As of today Ruby on Beers is known as Ruby on Ales and will also be held in the UK and Canada.

The new name is created by Rodney Ramdas (pinupgeek). And the other Ruby on Ales will organized by Jamie van Dyke and Jeffrey Allan Hardy.

Keep an eye out on the blog, I will post some more info soon.

Posted in ruby on ales (beers), events, rails | 2 comments

Book: RJS Templates for Rails

Posted by Juice10 Wed, 14 Jun 2006 22:59:00 GMT

This morning I bought myself a copy of RJS Templates for Rails. A 58 page Rails book about RJS Templates ($9.99) by Cody Fauser

I have read about half of it and it is a good read especially if you want to get into the whole RJS thing.

You need a bit of rails knowledge though, so its is not recommended for people with no rails knowledge at all.

Get O'Reilly's Excellent RJS Book for $6.50

What did you think of it?

Posted in ajax, books, javascript, rails | 2 comments

Going from 1028 unread posts to 45 in just 5 days

Posted by Juice10 Mon, 05 Jun 2006 21:31:00 GMT

RSS logo Last week wednesday I got myself an Airport Extreme card (finally) for my iBook and I added some more ram. This gave me the ability to catch up with the unread blog posts while I was eating, brushing my teeth, watching TV and walking around (not recommended).

After 5 days I finally got it down to 48 posts and it is a lot more manageable now. So if your having problems catching up with the world get yourself a nice little laptop with wifi and bring it with you everywhere. Caution: This will annoy others!

Now the only unread articles are the ones from the IE blog that I should read but don't want to and the A List Apart articles that I need to really take the time to read.


Posted in blogs, web

Ruby on Beers

Posted by Juice10 Sun, 21 May 2006 09:53:00 GMT

Some time now I have been meaning to organize an event of my own. I thought it would be fun to get together in a cafe/pub, drink beer and socialize with the whole Dutch Ruby on Rails and I thought the name Ruby On Beers was appropriate.

In my last post I mentioned Ruby On Beers and the reactions I got where all positive so I made a logo for it:

ruby on beers

More concept work.

Date and Time

31st of May, starting at 17:00


Stairway to heaven
Mariaplaast 11-12, Utrecht
Route (pdf)

Posted in events, netherlands, rails, ruby, ruby on ales (beers) | 6 comments

RubyEnRails 2006 finished

Posted by Juice10 Thu, 18 May 2006 19:22:00 GMT

RubyEnRails has finished and it was a great success. There where about 120 people there. Most of them hadn't worked with rails longer than 6 months. I also got to know quite allot of people.

The sponsors (Profict and Finalist) did a good job of setting up the event and the venue where this was held was very nice but it took quite long to get there.

I'm all ready looking forward to next years RubyEnRails. Maybe we should organise something in the meantime. We could all meet up somewhere and have a few beers; Ruby on Beers.


Posted in events, netherlands, rails, ruby | 2 comments

RubyEnRails 2006

Posted by Juice10 Thu, 18 May 2006 04:54:00 GMT

The Dutch Ruby on Rails conference RubyEnRails is starting in just a few hours and I'm getting ready. I'll post some photos online at the end of the day and I'll tell you how it all went.

Posted in events, ruby, rails, netherlands | 1 comment

Ruby on Netherlands

Posted by Juice10 Mon, 06 Mar 2006 22:42:00 GMT

Rodney setup a Dutch Ruby on Rails community called DutchRailers, it only has 5 members at the moment (6 March 2006) but its well worth checking out for all you dutch speaking ruby on rails users!

Posted in netherlands, ruby, rails | 2 comments

And my blog is up!

Posted by Juice10 Sat, 04 Mar 2006 14:56:00 GMT

Welcome to my blog! I'm Justin Halsall, a Ruby on Rails/PHP developer living in the Netherlands.

This site is hosted on the dreamhost servers, the layout is still being tweaked so you might notice some changes over time...

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