Posted by Juice10
Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:56:00 GMT
After deleting quite a bit of spam from my inbox I came up with a semantic way of displaying email addresses on a HTML page.
The concept is very simple, you add text within a <del>
element to an email address needs to be removed from in order to show the real address.
Your email address is:
Then you would add some text to scramble the email address from spam engines: nscrableobody@examscrableple.coremovem
To make sure that people can still see what the real address is wrap the fake text in the <del>
element: n<del>scrable</del>obody@exam<del>scrable</del><del>remove</del>m
This would give you the following:
This makes it quite hard to read even for the person wanting your email address. So to simplify this we could do two things:
- just add one bit of fake text to it: nobody@
- make sure the
element is hidden. This can be done multiple ways. You could add an inline style tag to the <del>
element: <del style="display:none"></del>
Or you could give it a class: <del class="fake_email_text"></del>
and add a little snippet of CSS to your page/css file:
.fake_email_text {
display: none;
- Screen readers will not read the text that is not being displayed by the CSS.
- You can copy paste the email address.
- It works with CSS, Javascript & images off.
(If anyone can think of more just shoot)
Posted in email, html, css | 3 comments | no trackbacks
Posted by Juice10
Fri, 27 Oct 2006 18:09:00 GMT
Tomorrow is the third Happy Clog meeting in Utrecht. And I’m there. You could be too!
The meeting will be held in King Arthur at 15:00 and the following will be some of the topics discussed:
- The Happy Clog website
- Webstandards and eductaion
- Where does Happy Clog stand for?
- What goals do we want to reach?
- How do we want to reach them?
- How do we want to profile ourselves in the future?
If your coming, add yourself to the wiki.
Posted in events, webstandards, netherlands | no comments
Posted by Juice10
Thu, 28 Sep 2006 11:47:00 GMT
The web service Amigo by Carson Workshops has been launched and Bare Naked App the blog where they described how they where building it has put in its last post.
Amigo is a service that matches advertisers with online newsletters, and vice versa. It’s free to sign up!
Learn more about Amigo »
Posted in blogs | no comments
Posted by Juice10
Fri, 22 Sep 2006 06:57:00 GMT
Yesterday I tried installing Hieraki2 but because of the lack of documentation if found myself bumping into bugs and unforseen issues. So now for everyone wanting to install Hieraki2 here is what you have to do:
What do I need?
- Mysql 4.1 or higher
- Ruby 1.8.2 or higher
- Rails 1.0 or higher
- Rubygems 0.8.11 or higher
- Gem packages: syntax, redcloth
Posted in hieraki, howto, rails | no comments
Posted by Juice10
Fri, 15 Sep 2006 12:24:00 GMT
After the first Fingertips ’morning coffee‘ meeting there is also a second one taking place on the 5th of October.
This time around it isn’t just for Rails developers but other next gen application frameworks are also welcome (Django etc.).
Last time I wasn’t able to make it. But this time around I will be there.
Check it out: Second ‘morning coffee’ meeting in Amsterdam
Posted in netherlands, events | no comments
Posted by Juice10
Fri, 15 Sep 2006 09:39:00 GMT
Microsoft has officially annouced their “iPod killer” and it is really ugly!
I wonder if they even sell one of their brown ones.

Posted in microsoft, gadgets | 2 comments
Posted by Juice10
Sat, 29 Jul 2006 23:16:00 GMT
The next 3 weeks I’ll be off on vacation in the UK. I am bringing my iBook but I’m not going to check it as fanatically as I normally do (don’t expect a fast response for your email while I’m gone).
If anyone knows of any rails/web standards meetings that will be held in the UK (around London preferably) please let me know!
In the mean time if your running Typo like I am, upgrade to Typo 4.0.
I will be doing so when I get back from holiday.
Posted in typo, personal, Great Britain | 1 comment
Posted by Juice10
Tue, 11 Jul 2006 09:37:00 GMT
David Black is teaching a one day Rails workshop in Amsterdam. This will be held at september the 18th and will cost € 399 for the early birds and € 500,000,000 € 449 for the slow people.
I think these are very reasonable prices for such a great workshop. As most of your average workshops are € 500 a day and don’t have a world famous, top-of-the-line teacher.
Posted in workshop, netherlands, rails | 1 comment
Posted by Juice10
Tue, 04 Jul 2006 08:34:00 GMT

has launched a podcast with the sessions. @media podcast feed.
This week’s is Eric Meyer’s keynote, A Decade Of Style. (via)
Posted in podcast, events | no comments
Posted by Juice10
Sat, 01 Jul 2006 14:37:00 GMT
The date for the next Dutch Ruby on Ales has been selected.
It will be held in Stairway to heaven in Utrecht and will start at 5 o'clock in the afternoon.
More info on this Ruby on Ales
If your planning on going please leave a comment.
If you want to organise your own Ruby on Ales meeting or any other kind of Ruby on Rails meeting you can do so here.
Posted in ruby on ales (beers), netherlands, events | 2 comments